
In this article, I’m putting the thoughts to create a JavaScript bookmarklet to share content from other sites into your website, and you will implement AJAX features into your project using jQuery and Django, which is originally captured from the eBook about Django that I’m reading…

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timehut is a django website that display my kiddos’ images and videos and text. This is a blog that notes why I’m building this and what other things that I’m still looking into in order to add more features to this website.

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scrapy startproject tutorial

  • scrapy.cfg: 项目的配置文件
  • project/: 该项目的python模块。之后您将在此加入代码。
  • project/items.py: 项目中的item文件.
  • project/pipelines.py: 项目中的pipelines文件.
  • tutorial/settings.py: 项目的设置文件.
  • project/spiders/: 放置spider代码的目录.

Recently, I’m digging into python Django framework to practice python and to learn a skill when I quit my job as a project manager _(or get fired)_. So here are some notes that I’ve put together that helps me understand what and which I should do. It’s also a flow that I follow every time learning a new framework in any programming language.

settings.py and any other configurations

Get familiar with the settings and configs would save you a lot of efforts.

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This is just a reference for what I would used frequently when learning jQuery and things…

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This issue has been bothered my for so damn long. I’ve been seeing the same messages for weeks and it wouldn’t go away after so many trials!

Tell me, what kind of fish that bothers a person the most?

The answer is

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I’m trying to dive in to Magento 2 while I’m working as a Project Manager in the company that managing mostly Magento 2 projects. After I successfully launched my first Magento 2 website on local machine (Yes, you didn’t hear me wrong. It’s on the local machine as I actually have nothing to sell), I found that I need this cheatsheet that makes my life easier:

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This is just the a series topics that I’ve been looking into while trying to set up a Magento 2 shop on my local machine. So I’m putting my notes here just for information.

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