
Python Django Time Hut 4

Here are some more ideas from the eBook that could essentially help me to achieve them step by step.

Tracking User Actions

  • Creating many-to-many relationships with an intermediary model
  • Building AJAX views
  • Creating an activity stream application
  • Adding generic relations to models
  • Optimizing QuerySets for related objects
  • Using signals for denormalizing counts
  • Storing item views in Redis

Building a follower system

Creating many-to-many relationships with an intermediary model

User.add_to_class('following', models.ManyToManyField('self', through=Contact, related_name='followers', symmetrical=False))
We can’t alter the User class directly because it belongs to the django.contrib.auth application
We are going to take a slightly different approach, by adding this field dynamically to the user model (Monkey-patch)

- tell Django to use our custom intermediary model for the relationship by adding through=Contact to the ManyToManyField.

Keep in mind that in most cases, it is preferable to add fields to the Profile model we created before, instead of monkey-patching the User model. Django also allows you to use custom user models.

Django forces the relationship to be symmetrical. In this case, we are setting symmetrical=False to define a non-symmetric relation. This is, if I follow you, it doesn’t mean you automatically follow me.

Creating list and detail views for user profiles

Building an Ajax view to follow users

Using the contenttypes framework

ContentType model

  • app_label: The name of the application the model belongs to. This is automatically taken from the app_label attribute of the model Meta options. For example, our Image model belongs to the application images.
    model: The name of the model class.
  • name: The human-readable name of the model. This is automatically taken from the verbose_name attribute of the model Meta options

Adding generic relations to your models

Avoiding duplicate actions in the activity stream

Adding user actions to the activity stream

  • A user bookmarks an image
  • A user likes/unlikes an image
  • A user creates an account
  • A user follows/unfollows another user

    Displaying the activity stream

  • Using select_related: We are using user__profile to join the profile table too in one single SQL query. If you call select_related() without passing any arguments to it, it will retrieve objects from all ForeignKey relationships. Always limit select_related() to the relationships that will be accessed afterwards.
  • Using prefetch_related: select_related() cannot work for many-to-many or many-to-one relationships (ManyToMany or reverse ForeignKey fields). Django offers a different queryset method called prefetch_related that works for many-to-many and many-to-one relations in addition to the relations supported by select_related(). The prefetch_related() method performs a separate lookup for each relationship and joins the results using Python. This method also supports prefetching of GenericRelation and GenericForeignKey.

    Creating templates for actions

Using signals for denormalizing counts

Denormalization is making data redundant in a way that it optimizes read performance. You could improve your queries by denormalizing counts. The drawback is that we have to keep the redundant data updated.

Working with signals (Django signal dispatcher)

Django provides several signals for models located at django.db.models.signals. Some of these signals are:

  • pre_save and post_save: Sent before or after calling the save() method of a model
  • pre_delete and post_delete: Sent before or after calling the delete() method of a model or queryset
  • m2m_changed: Sent when a ManyToManyField on a model is changed

Defining application configuration classes

Using Redis for storing item views

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